Fond Childhood Memories

3 Tips To Prevent Contamination Between Steel And Aluminum In Your Welding Shop

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In your welding shop, you might get all sorts of requests about welding steel, aluminum and other metals. As you might already know, however, steel shavings can actually cause aluminum to corrode very quickly. Since you probably want to do everything that you can to ensure quality for your customers, it is important to prevent contamination between steel and aluminum in your welding shop. Luckily, following these simple tips can help.…

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3 Tips For Successfully Using An Electric Tiller In Your Garden

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If you enjoy eating fresh produce throughout the summer growing months, then you are likely considering the incorporation of a garden into your home’s landscape. Establishing a garden takes time and effort, but it can be made a lot easier with access to the right tools. Here are three tips you can take into consideration when using an electric tiller to create your own backyard garden this summer. 1. Work with a few layers of dirt at a time.…

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3 Tips To Ensure Tower Crane Safety In The Face Of Strong Winds

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In the face of strong winds, tower cranes can easily become unstable and, in worst case scenarios, can collapse. Generally speaking, the maximum wind speed that tower cranes can tolerate before having to be taken out of service is approximately 45 miles per hour. Until then, the tower cranes can still be operated; however, you will need to take extra safety precautions. Here are 3 ways you can prepare the tower cranes under your management for strong winds.…

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